Dan Q
Dan's personal website and blog. Centre of the Digital Daniverse.
Free Deed Poll
Change your name for free and without a solicitor.
text/plain blog
Who said a blog needed to be in HTML, anyway?
Mastermind Solver
Plays a smarter game of Mastermind than you, probably.
Like Wordle, but you guess D&D monsters by picking attributes.
Find Dan Q
Real-time tracking of Dan's location. Fuzzed for unauthenticated users.
Axe Feather
Recreation of an 2004 Flash-based ad using modern web technologies.
A game of hangman that cheats (while keeping its lies internally-consistent).
Lunar Lander
A classic Lunar Lander game.
Geohashing Wiki
Adopted from XKCD, the central resource for geohashers worldwide.
Coffee-drinking LOGO turtles.
SHA1 Length Extension Attack Demonstration
Length extension attacks are hard to understand. So I made a demonstrative explainer.
BBC News RSS Feeds (that don't suck!)
BBC News RSS feeds but with the crap (iPlayer and Sounds links, ads for the app, and duplicate entries) removed, and optionally the sports content too.
The Green
Where Dan and his family live.
A Fnorders-generator in the style of the Fnorder by Steve Jackson Games.
Dan Q's Things
You're looking at it! A curated list of Dan Q's "Things" around the Internet.
Drawings as WordPress Comments
What if a blog comment... could be a sketch rather than text?
If you like it, you should'a put'a hat on it.
Opinionated Gemini/Spartan/Gopher server with a WordPress backend.
Not The Lottery
Visualise how much you're not going to win EuroMillions.
Dan's Geocaching Reposter
Plugin and bookmarklet to streamline importing geocaching logs into your WordPress blog, PESOS-style.
Digital wallet for Emma GoldCoin.
Monte Carlo Pi
Demonstration of using a Monte Carlo method to calculate Pi. In JavaScript.
Penney's Game
Demonstration of a non-transitive game. The computer will usually win because it has a clever strategy.
Pong HW
Reimplentation of Pong designed for ultrawide video walls.
Proposed specification to make RSS (etc.) feeds representing an entire website easier to discover.
Power Button
Command-line tool to allow e.g. an Arduino to trigger commands on remote computers.
WordPress Post Kinds RSS Prefixer
WordPress RSS tweak to show the IndieWeb post "kind" as a prefix.
Anything-to-RSS converter based on headless Chrome.
Break Into Us
Lock-breaking puzzle game.
LABS Comic Complete RSS Feed
Re-read the entirey of Aaron Uglum's "LABS" comic in your RSS reader.
PHP4 Transparent Session Demo
PHP4 had a strange feature to try to work around the fact that cookies weren't yet universally supported.
Workplace Countdown Timer
Dan used this to put a "you have X time left to ask Dan a question" countdown up after he handed in his notice at a previous job.
Command-line compilation tools for Twine 2 interactive fiction.
CSS-Driven Console Graphics
Convert a PNG image into some CSS code to inject into a browser's debugger.
Non-Stop Hammer Ti . me
Break it down!
Replacement Population Growth Simulator
'Replacement' population actually results in population growth while life expectancy increases. Let me prove it to you.
Sisyphus: The Game
Terrible implementation of a stupid board game idea
Tilt-sensor/websocket based driving game. Use your mobile to steer!
We Will Rock . EU
Whomp whomp tish. Whomp whomp tish.
Bodleian Advent Calendar
Interactive online advent calendar. Reveal a picture a day at a time.
Google Authenticator CLI
Command-line version of Google Authenticator, powered by Ruby.
KeePass for Opera
Plugin to enable Opera versions 12+ (but prior to the switch to the Chromium/Blink engine) to integrate with KeePass.
Toolset to help members of private subreddits to find and talk to one another.
Community weblog aggregator powered by Jekyll.